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Change in the film industry

The film sector has changed a lot over the past few years, due to COVID and AI, and it will continue to change over the next few years, so by the time I get to the industry it could have changed completely. 


The COVID pandemic made audience numbers in cinema decrease drastically, this benefited online streaming platforms as everyone streamed films from home, but after the pandemic cinema audience viewers hasn’t increased to what they used to be beforehand. This means that films aren’t making enough money from the cinema, which means that earnings into the film industry decrease, and cinemas aren’t making enough profit either (some have had to close due to the pandemic). It's not just the effect of the decrease in cinema viewers which could have had a big effect on the industry when I get there but also the effect of AI on the industry.  

AI has already come a long way in the film industry, for example bringing dead actors back into films, or (in the future) replacing actors via AI all together. It's not just actors who are in trouble of losing their jobs, but everyone. Recently, in America, there have been strikes by the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) about paying writers fairly and the threat of AI on their jobs. AI is a threat to the writers as if asked to, it can produce a full script based around whatever storyline/genre is asked of it. 


On the subject of AI and writers, fans of the Game of Thrones series have come up with an AI-generated ending to the series, this has the writer in an uproar. He is sueing the owner of ChatGPT, OpenAI, over claims of copyright. AI could potentially affect the ending to the TV series and the book series of Game of Thrones. 

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