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     Suki's Wardrobe

suki's outdoor_edited.jpg
Suki's Wardrobe mood board.png

Altrincham BID is a business-led and business funded organisation, for this project they are working with businesses (and Trafford College film students) to create 4 promotional videos (for use on Visit Altrincham's social media accounts) for the businesses to create more audience engagement with Visit Altrincham websites and the businesses.


The brief for this project was to create a promotional video for Altrincham BID and the business which they can use on their social media accounts to influence people to come into Altrincham and use the retail, hospitality, professional services, and the business client's offerings. The promotional videos target audience are more aimed at adults who are 20+, but it is also to increase the interaction with Gen Z.​


Suki's Wardrobe is a female-ran fashion retail business, with an online store and two boutique's within Greater Manchester. They stock Bohemian style clothing and accessories from bands within and outside of the UK (Denmark, Italy, France and Spain), these pieces are also sustainable!

After gathering this information on Suki's Wardrobe (who they are, what they sold, what their aims are (sustainability)). 

From here, we created a project pitch in which we put we made options for audio, storyboards, mood boards etc. We then gave this to our clients to show them our plan, then we went ahead with filming.​


Both the people at Altrincham BID and Suki's Wardrobe were very cooperative when we were filming. Bekka (the owner of Suki's) picked out some clothing pieces to be tried on and shown in the video. When it came to editing, we put together multiple edits of the video, however we only sent one off to the clients to get feedback. Once we had the client and tutor feedback we updated and sent off the final edit of the video.​


Overall, this was a valuable experience, as I was working with a client instead of working on a project of my own. For my own projects I can do whatever I want, but working with a client I have to do the work based on their opinions, so even if I like a piece but the client doesn't, I would have to change it. Working with a client also means that they gave me a deadline of when the project had to be finished by, for this project I only had about 5/6 weeks to get the project's pre-production, production, post-production and distribution done in.​



Suki's wardrobe storyboard 1.png
suki's shop floor.png

To watch the video for Suki's Wardrobe use this link: 



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